On June 14, 2023, the 17th meeting of the Working Group on the Establishment of the Regional Organization (Association) for Accreditation (ROA) of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification was held in Dushanbe (Republic of Tajikistan)

The meeting was attended by representatives of the national accreditation bodies of the States Parties to the Agreement: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the CIS Executive Committee, the Bureau of Standards. The meeting was also attended by representatives of PROBO LLC (Republic of Azerbaijan) invited as observers.

The participants discussed the implementation of the Work Program of the EASC Working Group on the Establishment of a Regional Organization (Association) for Accreditation for 2023.

The national accreditation bodies responsible for the preparation of draft documents informed the meeting participants about the progress in the development of the following draft documents:

- "Procedure for the implementation of parity assessments of accreditation bodies" (developed by BGCA);

- "Procedure for conducting an analysis by management" (developer - BGCA);

- "Policy on Cross-border Accreditation" (developed by CCA);

- "Eurasian Cooperation Accreditation Policy (EAAC) on Stakeholder Engagement" (developed by the State Unitary Enterprise "Uzbek Accreditation Center");

- "The procedure for selecting organizations that provide services for conducting proficiency testing programs (MLS). Criteria. (developer - RSE "National Accreditation Center" of the Republic of Kazakhstan);

- "Records Management Procedure" (developed by the State Unitary Enterprise "Uzbek Accreditation Center").

The participants of the meeting considered it expedient to submit the next package of documents for consideration by the members of the EASC within the framework of the 63rd meeting of the EASC, which is scheduled to be held at the end of June 2023 in the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek.

Based on the results of the materials reviewed and discussed by the participants of the meeting, agreed recommendations for the creation of a Regional Organization (Association) for Accreditation were adopted.

More information about the 17th meeting of the ROA WG will be posted on the EASC website in the "Meetings" section.