On June 13, 2023, the 51st meeting of the Scientific and Technical Commission for Conformity Assessment (STCCA) of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification was held in Dushanbe (Republic of Tajikistan)

The 51st meeting of the NTOS was attended by representatives of the national authorities of the States Parties to the Agreement: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the CIS Executive Committee, the Bureau of Standards. The meeting was also attended by representatives of PROBO LLC (Republic of Azerbaijan) invited as observers.

The participants of the meeting discussed a number of important issues in the field of accreditation, in particular, concerning:

- the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the EASC Development Strategy for the period up to 2030;

- the progress of the approval of the draft Agreement on Technical Barriers in Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The representative of the CIS EC informed the audience about the comments received on the draft document from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- competition for the 2023 Commonwealth of Independent States Prize for achievements in the field of product and service quality. In particular, information was provided on the holding of the first (national) stage of the 9th competition for the CIS Prize, the training of award experts, the formation of expert commissions, as well as the expert evaluation of the submitted self-assessment reports;

- a set of works on the transition of the competition to a new model, taking into account the model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) version 2020 from 2025. The preparation of draft documents (the CIS Award Model, the Methodology for assessing the activities of organizations for compliance with the criteria of the CIS Award), as well as the work on updating the relevant applications of the Competition Procedure, will be carried out by the State Standard of the Republic of Belarus.

Based on the results of the materials reviewed and discussed, the participants of the meeting adopted agreed recommendations on a coordinated policy in the field of conformity assessment.

More information about the 51st meeting of the STCCA will be posted on the EASC website under the "Meetings" section.