Innoprom-2023 is taking place in Yekaterinburg from July 10 to 13, 2023
On July 11, 2023, at the invitation of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), as part of the business program of the INNOPROM-2023 forum, an open session "Technical regulation as a key factor in cooperation between the EAEU and the BRICS and SCO countries" was held.
The session was moderated by Andrey Nikolaevich LOTSMANOV, Deputy Co-Chairman of the RSPP Committee on Industrial Policy and Technical Regulation, Chairman of the Council for Technical Regulation and Standardization under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.
The main topics of discussion were the prospects for cooperation in the field of technical regulation and standardization, as well as issues of interaction in the field of conformity assessment within the framework of integration associations: the CIS, EAEU, BRICS and the SCO.
The speakers were invited representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Rosstandart, the Bureau of EASC Standards, public authorities of the People's Republic of China, experts from business communities, industrial enterprises and public organizations.
The forum participants were informed about the activities, tasks and prospects of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, as well as the report "The Role of EASC in the Development of Quality Infrastructure in the Eurasian Region".
Стандартизация является важнейшим инструментом, способствующими созданию конкурентоспособной продукции и услуг, и соответственно, повышению экономического потенциала государств участков интеграционных объединений, а поддержка взаимной торговли между странами должна осуществляться по средствам применения межгосударственных стандартов (ГОСТ).