On June 13, 2023, the 51st meeting of the Scientific and Technical Commission for Accreditation (STCA ) of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification was held in Dushanbe (Republic of Tajikistan)

The 51st meeting of the STCA was attended by representatives of the national accreditation bodies of the States Parties to the Agreement: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the CIS Executive Committee, the Bureau of Standards. The meeting was also attended by representatives of PROBO LLC (Republic of Azerbaijan) invited as observers.

The participants of the meeting discussed a number of important issues in the field of accreditation, in particular, concerning:

- the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the EASC Development Strategy for the period up to 2030;

- the progress of the approval of the draft Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies. The representative of the CIS EC made a proposal on the expediency of creating a Working Group to finalize the Agreement. This recommendation will be submitted for discussion by the participants of the 63rd meeting of the EASC.

- registration of the EAAC headquarters (as part of the implementation of clause 1 of the Action Plan (Roadmap) for the creation of Eurasian cooperation on accreditation for 2023 and the formation and maintenance of the Secretariat of the Regional Accreditation Organization. In this part, the parties considered it expedient to discuss the issue of registration of the EAAC headquarters and the creation of the ROA Secretariat after the signing of the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies.

 As part of the exchange of experience in the field of accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, specialists of the National Accreditation Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan made a presentation on the topic "On the practice of accreditation of validation and verification bodies".

The participants of the meeting discussed the proposals of the BSCA regarding the revision of the IPA CIS model law "On Accreditation in the Field of Conformity Assessment" dated May 20, 2016, updating the data contained in the form "Analytical Review of the Accreditation Systems of the CIS Member States" and posted on the EASC website, as well as preparing information on approaches to the application of international documents ILAC, IAF in the accreditation activities of the CIS Member States.

Based on the results of the materials reviewed and the discussion by the participants of the meeting, agreed recommendations on a coordinated policy in the field of accreditation were adopted.

More detailed information about the 51st meeting of the STCA will be posted on the EASC website in the "Meetings" section.